All schools have their own recorders to keep track of graduation information. Find your school’s recorder contact information and instructions on how to apply to graduate. Just be sure to apply before your school’s deadline to ensure that you are listed in the Commencement program and receive your diploma quickly.
Undergraduate Recorder (for all College majors, including Art, Architecture, and Design; Global and International Studies; and Media) Ben Reed Owen Hall 003 812-855-1821
Master’s candidates are required to complete an application in order to graduate. Applications are available on the University Graduate School website.
Students graduating with a Ph.D. should fill out the Ph.D. Commencement Participation Application only if they are participating in the Commencement ceremony. If they are not participating, they do not need to complete an application. Applications are available on the University Graduate School website.
Undergraduate Recorder Rachel Benirschke East Studio Building 120 812-855-3743
Luddy undergraduates should apply by February 15 for spring and summer graduation and by September 15 for fall graduation.
Graduate Recorders
MS - Bioinformatics, HCI, Informatics, Information Science, Intelligent System Engineering, Library Science, Secure Computing Mary Ann Miller Luddy Hall 1118
MS - Computer Science, Data Science - Residential Jenn Strayer Luddy Hall 1117
PhD - Computer Science, Informatics, Information Science, Intelligent System Engineering Josh Kemp Luddy Hall 1120
Graduating PhD Students who want to participate in Commencement and/or want their name and degree listed in the IU Commencement printed program should fill out the Ph.D. Commencement Participation Application. “PhD Commencement Participation Application” edoc can be found at under “Indiana University Graduate School – Bloomington (IUB)” tasks
For Master of Science degrees, the application deadline for spring and summer graduation is February 15, and the application deadline for December graduation is September 23.
Graduate Recorder Alexis Lanham Law 304C 812-855-1888
J.D., L.L.M., M.C.L., and S.J.D. graduates must contact the Law School Registrar for information on submitting your application to graduate.
Undergraduate students may apply to graduate online.The deadline to apply for May/July graduation is December 1, and the deadline to apply for December graduation is May 1.
Graduate Recorders for O’Neill’s Master’s Programs Ruth Byers & AJ Brock SPEA A328 812-855-0770
School of Nursing Recorder Kieran Alumbaugh Health Sciences Building, C3140 812-855-6678
The School of Nursing does not require an application for graduation. Instead, student files are reviewed to make sure that graduation requirements have been met.
School of Optometry Recorder Amanda Peterson Optometry 210 812-856-4247
The School of Optometry does not require an application for graduation. Instead, student files are reviewed to make sure that graduation requirements have been met.
Undergraduate Recorder Barbara Bland SPH 123 812-855-1251
School of Social Work Recorder David Yaiser Health Sciences Building, C3133 (812) 856-4327
Assistant Graduate Recorder - contact for Master's students Kerry Neal Wells Library E546 812-855-1117
Graduate Recorder - contact for Ph.D. students Shelly Oberdier Wells Library E546 812-855-9345
Prospective graduates in the Graduate School complete the appropriate documents in the task center at All Graduate School master’s students should select “Master’s Application for Advanced Degree.” Ph.D. students who plan to participate in Commencement should select “Ph.D. Commencement Participation Application.” Ph.D. students who do not plan to participate in Commencement do not need to complete the document.
Questions? Get in Touch With Our Commencement Team for Help.